
This site was edited by the Cirkoum Association / Cirko Senso Company
Maison des Associations
19 rue Poterne
21200 Beaune - France
Phone number : +33 (0)7 82 97 47 33

Non-profit organization ruled by the July 1st 1901 law

Editor: Marion D'Hooge
Publishing director: David Renevret

Siret : 440 767 929 00035
APE : 9001Z
Licence n°2 : 1013942
Licence n°3 : 1013943

Design & Installing

The cirkosenso.com site was designed by Pierre-Eric Despinasse and Franck Lafay for OUiK. It is based on the content management system called CMS Made Simple.
For better surfing on this site, it is highly recommended to use a quick, safe and standard compliant browser such as Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera.
This site is not compatible with Internet Explorer 6 & 7: please update your browser.
In case of any fault you would find on this site, please contact us at franck[at]ouik.fr.


This site is hosted by Ouvaton Coop. SA
16 bis, rue d'Odessa
Boîte 37
75014 Paris

Data Protection and Confidentiality

The data and address of the users are confidential, we commit ourselves not to divulgate them. According to articles 27 et 34 of law n°78-17 'Informatique et Libertés' of January 6th 1978, the user has a right to access to, modify, change or suppress any data concerning him/her. To exercise this right, the user has to send a letter to the above address giving his/her name, first name and address information.

Respect of the author's rights

The whole site is protected by the French and international legislation concerning the intellectual property rights. All copyright and authors' rights are reserved, including the drawings, photos, names, logos and acronyms. It is strictly forbidden to modify, distribute, publish the whole content of this site or part of it without the prior written agreement of the Cirko Senso Company.

Photo Credit

Julien Piffaut
Jean-Christian Ledy
Miloscz Brendan